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From Galois Theory to Algebraic Number Theory and Algebra
时间:2023-04-24       浏览量:

August 16-20, 2023

Xi’an, China

The First Circular

Organized by

Institute for Advanced Studies in History of Science, Northwest University

One purpose of this workshop is to gain a global and historical understanding of the Galois theory and its impact on number theory and algebra.

For example, one purpose is to understand how mathematicians have taught, understood the Galois theory, and how the Galois theory has influenced the development of algebraic number theory and algebra, and by looking from the contemporary math, what kinds of concepts and results in the early history of  Galois theory are really important.

On the other hand, most people have heard of Galois' Testamentary letter written in the night before he died. But how many people have actually read it and read it carefully? How much Galois planned was actually carried out?

How was it developed? People recognize the name Jordan in group theory and linear algebra. What's his connection with Galois theory? What's in his big and famous book on group theory? What was done and who did what before Galois theory become canonical as presented in textbooks now?

Other related questions concerned work of Abel. He first worked on algebraic equations, and then elliptic integrals and Abelian integrals. How are they related? Galois also worked on elliptic integrals. Difference and similarity between Galois and Abel's works?

How did Galois do his theory? Connection with Gauss and Lagrange? Many students have taken standard courses in Galois theory. What's next? Why are Galois representations so crucial in contemporary number theory and arithmetic geometry?

Relation between Abel's work, Kronecker's youthful dream, and Shimura varieties? What's connection between Galois' work and Langlands program?

These are only some questions. By bringing historians and mathematicians with common interest in Galois theory, we hope to address some of these questions in lectures and discussion.


程创勋, 南京大学

季理真, 美国密歇根大学

李方, 浙江大学

刘建亚, 山东大学

欧阳毅, 中国科学技术大学

秦厚荣, 南京大学

曲安京, 西北大学

席南华, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院

申旭, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院

章璞, 上海交通大学




8:00 – 12:00

14:00 – 18:00














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